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by Vicky Barney

The berry shrubs are loaded with fruit this year, most noticeably the serviceberry, whose branches are drooping under the weight. In the wild and in my yard, I’m looking forward to watching the berries disappear and will be paying particular attention to my currants.
Currants (Ribes spp.) are deciduous shrubs with 3-5 lobed leaves and edible tart fruit historically used by Native Americans for food and medicinal purposes. In my yard, two shrubs have the distinctive leaves and berries, and similar looking arching branches.Their pea sized berries are growing in small clusters, each with a “pigtail” which is the remnant of its flower.Both shrubs are thorn less, drought tolerant, and, to date, of no interest to deer, moose, or bear.But the shrubs have some differences that lead me to think they are different varieties of currant.
On the east side of my yard, a small currant shrub is growing.About 3 feet in size, it is has pretty bright green 5 lobed leaves and arching branches