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by Yvette Henson
I love compost!There is nothing that I can think of that is more beneficial for soil.And, we all know that the secret to great gardens is the soil.While it is more difficult to compost in the mountains, it can be done.The most common frustrations are that it breaks down more slowly in our cooler summers and it often attracts critters like bears and skunks!However, once you have successfully made your own compost, added it to your soil and seen your plants response you will know it is worth the extra management to speed up the composting process.If you still find it too problematic outdoors, you can build a worm-bin or some other indoor composting system. Or once you are a “true believer”, like me, you will do both!
Compost has many benefits.It increases water-holding capacity of sandy soils and improves drainage of heavy (clay) soils.It also decreases the amount of shrink-swell of clay soils.It improves soil aeration, infiltration, tilth and structure and reduces soil co