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By Jan Boone Many of us have a quiet sunny corner in a room where favorite winter houseguests have camped out for the past 5 months or so.These are the best kind of guests because all they require is sun, occasional water and loving words as we pass by.As much as we enjoy their presence in that sunny corner, it’s getting time to consider who can maybe return to outside decks, who needs a new container and who is tolerant enough to be planted outside in the sun. Succulents provide diversity in colors, shapes and textures in our gardens and decks. Whether inside or outside, start with the premise that for the most part succulents & cacti demand attention to 3 fundamental basics in order to survive our high, cold and dry growing zones. These include light (depending upon varieties, at least 4 hours of direct sun and afternoon shade); soil to promote drainage since soggy roots simply produce root rot or fungus; and lastly, water.While many cultivars are drought resistant perennials, it’s